double gas-hob


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The hob is made of brushed stainless steel and offers two storm-proof and reliable 3 KW gas flames and an innovative control system, with which the flames can be controlled separately from each other.

The hob has the dimensions: 450x290mm

The installation depth is: 29mm

The pan grate has a height of 44mm above the hob surface.

The recess for the hob is: 410x190mm

The length of the gas hose from the cooker to the cartridge connection is: 460mm

The cartridge connection is for screw-type gas cartridges of the EN 417 standard. It can be done using an adapter but also connect gas bottles of the 5-11kg class.

The cartridge connection is screwed on with 4 M4 screws.

delivery time: in stock

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